My Little Life ... My Tiny Story

Adoi!!! Aku pening ...

My 1st word for today ...
Please Be Patient Dear Heart ...
Please be patient with our cruel world. I know sometimes there are people out there who will do cruel things againts u. But be 'Good Girl'. Always be humble and try to accept the things.
Yes the 'key' word is TRY. It's not easy okay to TRY but at least we trying right? .... I want to be honest to everybody. But are they going to do the same? Nope! Of course! Don't expect anything from anyone.
The more u expect the more you sadness will come near u.
Gila ...

Boleh gila ooo...
Gila jugalah sebab aku stress. Call 'm' tapi 'm' pulak mcm stress dgn orang lain dan menjadikan aku scape goat. Habis a-z yang meng stresskan aku dengar. Come on lah. I call just to say 'hi', 'how r u' or cerita2 kosong. Tau2 kena dengar cerita yang tak best pulak. Nasib baik phone tu 'hang up' sendiri so the best is I can say 'Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah.